Bellevue - A Place for Great Corporate Culture & Smart Ideas

In the News,

The City of Bellevue has a great corporate culture which has attracted a diverse portfolio of businesses.

From start-ups to enterprise companies across an array of industries. These companies bring jobs – the total number greater that than the number of people that live in the City. These jobs have also led to an amazing number of corporate and regional headquarter companies.

As a Chamber of Commerce we celebrate all of our businesses who collectively make Bellevue a great community that attracts talent and investments and enhances our quality of life. We get extra excited to see that Smartsheet, a company that was launched in 2005, continue to grow its HQ in Bellevue while having a global portfolio of customers. On April 27th President and CEO Mark Mader proudly rang The Opening Bell on Wall Street as the company went public. We are also extremely proud to be the center of amazing technologies, the home of wireless, and to have corporate Headquarter Company T-Mobile announce their pending merger with Sprint. We applaud their continued investment in Bellevue as their corporate home.

Also, a shout out to the King County Library System and the Bellevue Branch launch of ideaX, a great community makerspace. From electronics to robotics and coding that “inspires you to create awesome in the world.” We look forward to championing and advancing entrepreneurial success stories. Email your story to

Also I want to specially invite you to come and get inspired by the entrepreneurial stories of our Young Entrepreneurs Academy students. Stop by the Bellevue Chamber of Commerce, Wednesday, May 9 from 4-5:30 pm to see the 17 amazing companies this year’s class has launched at the YEA! student startup trade show. You’ll be impressed. Join in their celebration!