Executive Business Roundtable Returns to In-Person


Last Thursday, the Bellevue Chamber held its first hybrid Executive Business Roundtable meeting at the Bellevue Club. 

The program featured GLY Construction President and CEO, Ted Herb, as he shared the process of some of GLY’s mega projects. One of the biggest GLY projects to date, the Lincoln Square expansion, was one of the models that Ted broke down for the group; everything from budget and costs to the excavation of the site and the process the team went through to get the expansion off the ground. 

Next month, the Roundtable will feature Tola Marts, prior Blue Origin and Tethers Unlimited engineer, as he shares his insights into the local aerospace market. 

The Executive Business Roundtable is an opportunity to interact with an exclusive group of executives and emerging leaders in a small, intimate setting. Establishing vital business relationships and diving into deep, off-the-record discussions are the key goals of this Executive Roundtable group. If you are interested in joining next year’s program, please reach out to Olivia Mullin at olivia@bellevuechamber.org.