Photo of Seattle King County Realtors

Seattle King County Realtors


Organization Overview

Seattle King County REALTORS® is an association of the Puget Sound’s most dedicated and skilled real estate professionals. We help our members stay ahead of the competition, close more sales and provide their clients with the highest standards of ethical, expert service.
Russell Hokanson
Russell Hokanson CEO - Seattle King County REALTORS
Claudia Crowell
Dahni Malgarini-Logar
David Crowell
Gareth Fairchok
Georgia Stevens
Gina Madeya
Jennifer Gilbert-Smith
Marie Hansch Director of Business Practices & Education
Michele Hunt
Patti Hill
Rachel Mehmedagic
Rich Bergdahl
Sam Pace
Shane Davies
Sharon O'Mahony
Taylor Shanaman
Val Towler
Bellevue Chamber Logo Starter

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