Chamber Policy Council voices support for 2022 parks levy

Advocacy, Policy Positions,

The Bellevue Chamber’s Policy Council has voted in favor of the 2022 Levy for Parks & Open Space, which will officially be on the ballot for the Nov. 8 election.  

But what does that actually mean?  

The Levy: If approved, this measure would cost an owner of a $1M home approximately $200 per year for the next 9 years, or 20 cents per $1,000 of assessed value. These funds would be used to increase a variety of investments within the City of Bellevue parks and open space system. 

The Projects: Funds would be allocated according to the following categories:  

  • $20M - Open Space, Greenways, Wildlife Corridors & Trails 
  • $20M - Neighborhood Park Development 
  • $10M - Recreation & Community Facilities 
  • $10M - Waterfront Restoration & Development 
  • $10M - Bel-Red & Wilburton Park Acquisition & Development 
  • $10M - Emerging Sports & Off-Leash Areas  
  • $5M - Community Parks 

Maintenance & Operations Cost: $4M, annually 

The Outlook: This levy would initiate a truly exciting process to further beautify Bellevue’s parks and improve access for the people living and playing here. In dedicating the resources to acquire land and adequately investing in park enhancements, we can build on our existing parks system while filling gaps in high-growth areas, too.

The Details: For more information on the levy, visit the Parks & Community Services website, read the draft ordinance or refer to the City’s fact sheet.