At the Bellevue Chamber’s April 23 PLUSH (Permitting, Land Use, Sustainability, and Housing) Committee meeting … The Wilburton Property Owners Group, which meets regularly with City of Bellevue planning staff, gave an update regarding their efforts on the City’s Comprehensive... Continue Reading
The Bellevue Chamber, in partnership with the Associated General Contractors of Washington (AGC) and the Commercial Real Estate Development Association (NAIOP) recently submitted a letter to the Bellevue City Council regarding an update to the citywide noise ordinance. Read it below! Continue Reading
The newest member of our advocacy team made her speaking debut at the City of Bellevue’s Planning Commission meeting this month, as the Chamber’s Nikki Stuck advocated for City staff’s plan for the Wilburton neighborhood. “Ensuring that we plan for adequate density,... Continue Reading
You've probably heard the news — Sound Transit's East Link Starter Line, or the 2 Line, will be opening to the public in just a few months! Check out the service area below, explore the project website here, and we hope to see you at the grand opening ceremony. Continue Reading
There has been a lot of buzz surrounding the City’s “Bike Bellevue” plan — both good and not so good — so we wanted to take the opportunity to share some basic project resources, give the rundown of last week’s Transportation Commission meetings, and reiterate... Continue Reading
The 2023 DC Fly-In is in the books! This year we brought along even more members, city officials, and business owners, packing in nearly a dozen meetings with high-powered individuals and agencies. "It’s a privilege for the business community to be joined by top officials from the City of... Continue Reading
The Bellevue City Council unanimously approved its $2.3B mid-biennium budget on November 20, successfully capping outgoing City Manager Brad Miyake’s financial stewardship of the city. A total change of $13.6 million since last amended by Council, the mid-biennium budget reflects... Continue Reading
Chamber President & CEO Joe Fain — alongside a dozen of the Eastside's top transportation stakeholders — have formally called for increased funding to fill the gap in the Mountains to Sound Greenway Trail. Read the letter below. The Letter to the Governor: We collectively write to... Continue Reading
The Chamber's advocacy arm has been in-the-weeds with transportation policy as-of late, with the Bike Bellevue project raising concerns among membership, primarily in the developer community. Our Government Affairs Specialist, Gavin Haines, gave testimony on the topic at the City of Bellevue's... Continue Reading
After 33 years of service, Bellevue’s city manager Brad Miyake has announced his retirement. Brad has worked at the city in a multitude of positions — including utilities director, budget manager, and most recently, city manager — and the Chamber is beyond grateful for his... Continue Reading
With the help of the Chamber and other community stakeholders, Bellevue just took another step in the Smart-City direction with the implementation of its first small wireless communication facility (SWF) to serve our downtown region. Mounted structures placed in urban areas to decrease digital... Continue Reading
Last week, the Sound Transit Board of Directors decided to move forward with the opening of the East Link Starter Line, with hopes of service beginning in March 2024. The in-person meeting room was full, and nearly 300 individuals joined virtually to listen to public testimony and the... Continue Reading