Week Overview General Update Opposite house fiscal cutoff was on Monday, February 28th, which means any bill that did not pass out of the fiscal committee in the opposite house by that day is considered dead. Of the 399 bills that made it past opposite house policy cutoff, 378 bills made it... Continue Reading
Week Overview General Update The past week was packed with every type of session activity. The flurry started on Senate when the Senate released their proposed supplemental transportation budget. On Monday the Senate released their proposed supplemental operating budget, and the House released... Continue Reading
Week Overview General Update Last Sunday the House convened for floor action, and both chambers convened for floor sessions last Monday and Tuesday leading to house of origin cutoff on Tuesday, Feb 15th. On Monday the House was on the floor all night through to the early morning on Tuesday, which... Continue Reading
Week Overview General Update This past week we officially passed the halfway point of the 2022 legislative session. Monday, February 7th marked the second cutoff of session – House of Origin Fiscal Cutoff. By this date all bills referred to fiscal committees (Appropriations, Finance and... Continue Reading
BELLEVUE – Bellevue Chamber President and CEO Joe Fain released the following statement upon the unveiling of Washington Senate Democrats’ transportation proposal: “The Bellevue Chamber and City of Bellevue have united behind joint transportation priorities at the state level.... Continue Reading
Week Overview General Update Thursday, February 3rd marked the first cutoff of session where all bills had to move out of the policy committee in the chamber in which they were originally introduced – called the house of origin – or they are now considered dead. The exception for... Continue Reading
Bellevue Mayor Lynne Robinson joined the Bellevue Chamber PLUSH (Permitting, Land Use, Sustainability, and Housing) Committee last week to discuss Bellevue’s growth and the strategies the Council is considering to address it. Mayor Robinson said it best – she is feeling... Continue Reading
Week Overview General Update The first cut-off of session is quickly approaching on Thursday, February 3rd, which means all bills must pass out of their house of origin policy committees or they will be considered dead unless deemed ‘Necessary to Implement the Budget’ (NTIB). A... Continue Reading
The Bellevue Chamber sent a letter to the City of Newcastle in support of Puget Sound Energy’s (PSE) Energize Eastside project, creating a new substation and upgrading approximately 16 miles of existing transmission lines from Redmond to Renton. Continue Reading
Week Overview General Update The 2022 legislative session began on Monday, January 10th. This is a short session, so it is only scheduled to go for 60 days, ending on March 10th. As a reminder, Washington runs on a two- year (biennial) cycle. While short sessions typically are focused on making... Continue Reading
Tax set to begin January 1: The state’s long-term care (LTC) tax of .58% is set to begin collections on January 1. Over 750,000 Washingtonians have opted out, having secured a private LTC plan before November 1. The program seeks to provide up to $36,500 in benefits to individuals needing... Continue Reading