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Bellevue Chamber Transportation Committee submits comments on curbside practices
Bellevue Chamber Transportation Committee submits comments on curbside practices

The following letter was recently sent to the City of Bellevue's Transportation Commission on behalf of the Bellevue Chamber's advocacy group focused on transportation. To meet growing demand in Bellevue, curb space must serve a variety of functions for our community. The work the City is... Continue Reading

Date posted02/13/2023

2023 Legislative Update: Week 5
2023 Legislative Update: Week 5

Weekly Update One third of the 2023 session is done, and committees were busy voting on bills before the first deadline next Friday, February 17 . If a bill has not moved out of its policy committee by February 17, it will be considered dead (unless it’s deemed necessary to implement the... Continue Reading

Postedby Lyset Cadena
Date posted02/12/2023

2023 Legislative Update: Week 4
2023 Legislative Update: Week 4

Weekly Update The fourth week of session continued at a rapid pace with many hearings and bills moving out of committee. Both chambers continued to focus on affordable housing and held a bipartisan press conference announcing their support for 13 bills meant to increase housing stock. The... Continue Reading

Postedby Lyset Cadena
Date posted02/6/2023

2023 Legislative Update: Week 3
2023 Legislative Update: Week 3

Weekly Update Week three of session continued with a focus on policy committee activity that again included work sessions, hearings, and executive session. The first cutoff of session is quickly approaching. All bills must pass out of their policy committee in their house of origin (in other... Continue Reading

Postedby Lyset Cadena
Date posted01/29/2023

2023 Legislative Update: Week 2
2023 Legislative Update: Week 2

Weekly Update The second week of the legislative session began with Martin Luther King Jr Day. Traditionally this is when the campus is busting with groups visiting the Capitol, but this year we saw smaller crowds as more groups are using virtual options. The return to in-person kept a fast... Continue Reading

Postedby Lyset Cadena
Date posted01/23/2023

2023 Legislative Update: Week 1
2023 Legislative Update: Week 1

Weekly Update The legislature convened for the 2023 legislative session on Monday, January 9th. This year’s session is considered a “long-session” and is scheduled to last 105 days with the end date of April 23rd. The legislature is kicking off the start of a new 2-year budget... Continue Reading

Postedby Lyset Cadena
Date posted01/16/2023

New Execs pick councilmember Jennifer Robertson’s brain on all things government affairs
New Execs pick councilmember Jennifer Robertson’s brain on all things government affairs

The New Executives program recently hosted Bellevue City Councilmember Jennifer Robertson for its session on government affairs, where students had the opportunity to ask any and everything they wanted to know about civic service and building a legacy here in Bellevue. See below for some of the... Continue Reading

Date posted12/15/2022

EKCC 2023 Transportation Priorities
EKCC 2023 Transportation Priorities

The Coalition thanks the legislature for passing the Move Ahead Washington transportation package. Specifically, we thank you for the funding allocated to SR-18 and I-405, two critical connectors in our region. We look forward to continuing this partnership through further improvements. The East... Continue Reading

Date posted12/1/2022

Policy Council responds to City of Bellevue’s 2023-2024 budget
Policy Council responds to City of Bellevue’s 2023-2024 budget

On November 14, 2022, the Bellevue Chamber’s Policy Council addressed the following letter to the Bellevue City Council in response to the City’s proposed budget. Continue Reading

Date posted11/14/2022

We did it! Bellevue citizens vote YES for Parks & Open Space
We did it! Bellevue citizens vote YES for Parks & Open Space

Election week is over, so let’s get one thing straight: We were and continue to be massive proponents of the recently-passed parks levy. Our CEO Joe Fain attested to its merit over and over again — read the Bellevue Reporter article here — and beloved Chamber board member Dave... Continue Reading

Date posted11/11/2022

Chamber PLUSH Committee submits comments on Bellevue Comp Plan
Chamber PLUSH Committee submits comments on Bellevue Comp Plan

The Bellevue Chamber's PLUSH (Permitting, Land Use, Sustainability, & Housing) Committee submitted the following letter to the City of Bellevue's Development Services Department on Oct 31, 2022. Dear Development Services Department: The Bellevue Chamber PLUSH Committee appreciates the... Continue Reading

Date posted11/10/2022

Rep. Adam Smith rallies behind small business owners, listens to local challenges
Rep. Adam Smith rallies behind small business owners, listens to local challenges

Congressman Adam Smith stopped by the Bellevue Chamber this week for a Small Business Roundtable event, where he listened to the concerns of local business owners and gave an overview of what he plans to focus on in the upcoming session. “We can be providing services a lot better than we... Continue Reading

Date posted11/1/2022