The Eastside Business Alliance has been busy this election cycle, gearing up to meet with local candidates and hear how their campaigns are going. Interviews with Bellevue City Council candidates are currently underway, and upon completion, the EBA will decide which races warrant a public... Continue Reading
The Bellevue Chamber's PLUSH Committee recently submitted the following letter to the City's Department of Community Development in response to their proposed Comp Plan DEIS. Learn more about the PLUSH Committee and its efforts here. Continue Reading
At the Bellevue Chamber’s June 1 Transportation Committee meeting, we were joined by Sound Transit officials and given an update on the proposed East Link Starter Line project. In addition to teasing details regarding the system’s intended operations, service expectations, and an... Continue Reading
The Bellevue Chamber's Transportation Commission recently testified regarding the City of Bellevue's proposed Curb Management Plan — read the letter below! Learn more about the Chamber's Transportation Committee. Continue Reading
The results are in — King County voters just approved the Crisis Care Centers levy, and the Bellevue Chamber’s Policy Council is thrilled. A proposal by King County Executive Dow Constantine to address gaps in our region’s behavioral health network, this nine-year levy will fund... Continue Reading
End of Session Report At 10:05 p.m. on April 23, the legislature adjourned the 2023 legislative session, Sine Die. The 2023 Washington State legislative session was a long session, which means it lasted for 105 days and included the business of writing the full 2023-25 biennial operating,... Continue Reading
The 2023 legislative session is almost over, but what the heck actually happened these past few months? A total of 1,655 bills were introduced over the course of the session, with 456 passing the Opposite House Floor Cutoff. Housing, behavioral health, and development processes were all... Continue Reading
The Chamber’s PLUSH Committee has been deeply involved in affordable housing policy in Bellevue, the most recent engagement being with Phase 1 of the City of Bellevue’s FAR LUCA incentive program. We submitted a letter to city officials back in March — read that here — and... Continue Reading
As the end of session nears, the East King Chambers Coalition wanted to reassert its commitment to providing a pathway for middle housing — check out the op-ed below! The housing supply shortage we face in Washington is a problem that we must work collectively to solve. The one million... Continue Reading
The City of Bellevue just released a draft of its first Curb Management Plan, which aims to establish a long-term framework to guide the development, operation, and maintenance of curbside areas in the city’s densest neighborhoods. In short, this plan creates a more official, streamlined... Continue Reading
Weekly Update The beginning of the week focused on getting bills passed by the opposite house floor cutoff on Wednesday. All bills except those deemed necessary to implement the budget had to pass off the floor of the opposite chamber by 5pm that day or they are considered dead. Legislators worked... Continue Reading
The Chamber has some big news in the advocacy space — funding for the 124th/SR 520 project has been included in the draft budgets for both the House and the Senate! Our VP of Government Affairs, Jodie Alberts, testified multiple times on this issue, so we are thrilled to see the fruits of... Continue Reading