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Legislative Update: Week 8
Legislative Update: Week 8

Week Overview General Update We have officially passed the halfway point in the 2021 legislative session! Both chambers were mostly on the floor last week debating and voting on bills that are in their house of origin. They were on the floor late into the night on some days; both chambers... Continue Reading

Date posted03/8/2021

Legislative Update: Week 7
Legislative Update: Week 7

Week Overview General Update Last Monday, February 22nd was house of origin fiscal cutoff where all bills referred to a fiscal committee had to be passed out of committee by that date. Those that didn’t get out of committee are now considered dead. The exception are bills deemed... Continue Reading

Date posted02/28/2021

Legislative Update: Week 6
Legislative Update: Week 6

Week Overview General Update Last Monday, February 15th was house of origin policy cutoff where all bills referred to a policy committee had to be passed out of committee by that date. Those that didn’t get out of committee are now considered dead. The exception are bills deemed... Continue Reading

Date posted02/22/2021

Legislative Update: Week 5
Legislative Update: Week 5

Week Overview General Update The past week was largely focused on getting bills heard and passed out of their house of origin policy committee by the February 15th cutoff. The week was filled with tight hearings and committee votes on bills (called executive session). Some committees have... Continue Reading

Date posted02/14/2021

Legislative Update: Week 4
Legislative Update: Week 4

Week Overview General Update During week four of the 2021 legislative session we saw continuation of public hearings on bills as well as executive sessions. A handful of committees also held work sessions this week. One work session this week that was of particular interest was a... Continue Reading

Date posted02/7/2021

Legislative Update: Week 3
Legislative Update: Week 3

Week Overview General Update Week three of session continued with a focus on policy committee activity that again included work sessions, hearings, and executive session. The first cutoff of session is quickly approaching. All bills have to pass out of their policy committee in their house... Continue Reading

Date posted01/31/2021

Legislative Update: Week 2
Legislative Update: Week 2

Week Overview General Update The second week of the legislative session saw more work sessions and hearings, committee votes on bills (known as executive session), and even some floor action on early priority bills. Legislators, staff, lobbyists and advocates are all acclimating to the... Continue Reading

Date posted01/24/2021

Legislative Update: Week 1
Legislative Update: Week 1

Week Overview General Update The legislature convened for the 2021 legislative session on Monday, January 11th. Given the COVID-19 pandemic, the legislature will be convening virtually with just a few exceptions of leadership in each chamber when needed and a few members with limited... Continue Reading

Date posted01/17/2021

EKCC Budget and Taxes 2021
EKCC Budget and Taxes 2021

BUDGET AND TAXES The business community, especially small, locally owned businesses, have been se- verely impacted by the Covid-19 crisis. Many are teetering on the verge of failure. New or higher taxes will generate business failures and be an impediment to the recovery of those that survive,... Continue Reading

Date posted12/1/2020

EKCC Transportation 2021
EKCC Transportation 2021

TRANSPORTATION Highway maintenance, capacity and safety improvements beyond the Connecting Washington funding package passed in 2015 are needed, particularly along the I-405, I-90, SR 18, SR 522, and SR 202 corridors. The East King Chambers Coalition requests the Legislature: Accelerate... Continue Reading

Date posted12/1/2020

EKCC Economic Revitalization 2021
EKCC Economic Revitalization 2021

ECONOMIC REVITALIZATION The COVID-19 pandemic is negatively affecting small businesses across our state, and East King County was the first epicenter for this virus in the United States. The East King Chambers Coalition strongly encourages the Washington State Legislature to pri- oritize... Continue Reading

Date posted12/1/2020

Legislative Update: End of Session
Legislative Update: End of Session

Bellevue Chamber 2020 Legislative Session – 2020 End of Session Report 2020 Session Summary At 8:00pm on March 12th, the legislature adjourned the 2020 legislative session sine die. The 2020 Washington State legislative session was a short session, which means it moved at a rapid... Continue Reading

Date posted03/16/2020