The East King Chambers Coalition encourages Washington State Legislature to support sustained economic vitality. We urge the Legislature to consider and enact, tax incentives to create a positive business climate in all corners of the state, including rural communities. The Legislature should also... Continue Reading
Opposition announced at luncheon with Sound Transit CEO Peter Rogoff BELLEVUE, WA – The Bellevue Chamber today made public its opposition to I-976, the $30 car tab initiative, before a packed audience of over 150 business leaders at the Westin Bellevue. The event featured Sound Transit CEO... Continue Reading
Effective transportation of employees, customers and goods is essential to sustain continued health of our state’s growing economy. The complete and timely implementation of the $16 billion Connecting Washington transportation funding package will help improve our transportation... Continue Reading
As a state, we must be prepared for anticipated growth by ensuring that there is an adequate supply of economically feasible buildable land with the infrastructure to support it. The East King County Chambers of Commerce Legislative Coalition requests the Legislature to do the following on our... Continue Reading
We must reassess our environmental priorities to ensure that we are receiving the most environmental benefit in a way that truly promotes long-term job creation and prosperity. Mandates drive costs up and a blanket approach on environmental policy often creates undue or extreme hardships in local... Continue Reading
The cost of liability insurance is an increasing burden on the business community. The overall economy suffers when productivity and growth are slowed by excessive litigation, which discourages risk-taking and slows the introduction of new products and technologies. We urge the legislature... Continue Reading
Ensure that the private health insurance market is allowed the freedom and flexibility provided in The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) to offer products that meet the needs of businesses and employees. Ultimately, the legislature must support choice, competition, and... Continue Reading
A reliable, sustainable and affordable energy supply is vital to the continued economic growth and strength of Washington. The East King County Chambers of Commerce Legislative Coalition strongly supports transition to a clean energy future. As our largest, private investor-owned utility seeks to... Continue Reading
Employers in East King County and across the state struggle to fill available jobs with Washington state residents. Education is the key to closing this gap, beginning with early education (ages 3-4), and ending with the completion of post-high school credentials, including college degrees, career... Continue Reading
Employers in East King County and across the state struggle to fill available jobs with Washington state residents. Education is the key to closing this gap, including college degrees, career certificates, and apprenticeships to attain employment in high demand/high wage fields in our... Continue Reading
The East King County Chambers of Commerce Legislative Coalition encourages the Legislature to support sustained economic vitality. We urge the Legislature to consider and enact, tax incentives to create a positive business climate in all corners of the state, including rural communities. The... Continue Reading
The Eastside, and indeed the entire Seattle Metropolitan area, future economic and community success is at great risk due to lack of housing affordability. The time to act and address with appropriate policy improvements to fix this crisis is now. We at the East King County Chambers of Commerce... Continue Reading